Egg Plant

Black Roumy / Black Arous / White Arous

Eggplants , belong to the nightshade family of plants and are used in many different dishes around the world.Eggplant, a warm-season vegetable belongs to the nightshade family, It forms a many branched plant with leaves and stems that have star-shaped (stellate) hair and stems. Its flowers are purple and the fruits are generally purple too. The common name is sometimes misspelled as "egg plant"

Egg Plant Details

Varity : Arous "Black/white"Black Rom
Carton Kg: 5Kg**
Piece Weight : 150-200gr300-500gr
No.Carton / Pallet: 170**
No.Carton / Container: 3400**
No.Pallet / Container: 20 **
Pallet Dimension/ M: 1*1.2 M**
Container Weight: 17Ton**
Storing: 10º - 12º For 30 Days
Humidity: 90%