Green Beans

Bronco / Biolista / Valentino / Hama

Green beans,are in the same family as shell beans, such as pinto beans, black beans and kidney beans. Yet unlike their cousins, green beans’ entire bean, pod and seed, can be eaten. , but they usually average four inches in length and are deep emerald green in color. They contain tiny seeds within their thin pods. Green beans are fat, sodium, and cholesterol free. They are also a good source of Vitamins C, A, and K.

Green Beans Details


Packing Carton 5Kg: LOOSE/250G*20Bag200G*25Bag500G*10Bag
Grade: Fine–ExtraFine–ExtraFine–Extra
Broken Rate: 2% ,no black dots ,no impurities
Length: 7-17cm****
No.Carton / Pallet: 160160 160
No.Carton / Container: 3200****
No.Pallet / Container: 20 2020
Pallet Dimension / M: 1*1.2 M**>**
Container Weight : 16 T****
Storing: 2º-5º For 25 Days
Humidity: 90%